Teko Tryck – Best Blekinge Company 2021

Wow – TekoTryck won Länsstyrelsen’s award: Best Blekinge Company 2021, at the Guldeken Gala, October 29, 2021. We are so proud and thankful for the award as well as their nice words. What a team we are!

Award motivation:
Thanks to a combination of design, cooperation, and a sustainability focus, the company has developed its business and production, with very good result. A company that, with its entrepreneurial spirit, can be considered a Blekinge company we all can be proud of. Plus, they have made lasting impressions with their product, that may seem simple, but which has a high demand all over the world. Guldeken for Best Blekinge Company 2021 goes to… TekoTryck!

Photo: Andreas Blomlöf