Welcome back Anna!

Now Anna is back after her maternity leave and looks forward to hear from you all again. Anna mainly works with sales, layout and web. If you have nice pictures / movies on products that we have printed for you, please feel free to contact Anna. We love to show them on our website and […]

Christmas approaches!

We celebrate Christmas in production and have closed between 24 Dec – 2 Jan. Wednesday, Jan 3, we will be back again. If you have any questions while we are closed, please contact nisse@alligator.se. If you wish to have samples / products ready for Formex 17-20 Jan, we need to have the original latest 15 […]

“A Dishcloths’ Wet Fantasy”

This week (v.12 2019) Katarina Hamilton has this amazing ad in Expressens Leva&Bo. Read the mind of a dish cloth. This is the way it will stay fresh and serve you nearly forever. We are very happy that we have printed this poem for you Katarina Hamilton. Visit her website katarinahamilton.se and read the poem […]

Dagens Industri is writing an article about us!

Dagens Industri have a 2-pager about us today (2016-05-09) in the Entrepreneur-section. The journalist Björn Solfors writes about the familyowned company, how the idea came to life to print on a dishcloth in the late 90s and the dishcloths journey around the world. He also tells how you take new businessideas to an ordinary textile […]

Closed for Summer holiday week 29-30

The Summer is finally here. We close week 29-30. If you have any urgent matters you can contact nisse@alligator.se If you need samples/products for Formex we would need order and files week 28 at the latest.

A new graphic design

We have with the help of the designer Linda Svensson Edevint created a new graphic design for Teko Tryck. The result is now ready and we are very satisfied! The logo is as before, but with our new slogan “You design – We print” and a graphic pattern showing that the product comes from Teko […]

TekoTryck and the Baseballstars of Sölvesborg

We at Tekotryck are proud sponsors for the Kalle Knutssons baseball guys in Sölvesborg Firehawks. Right now, they are playing European Cup in Brno and are starting to celebrate Midsummer with a big win in the first round. Go go!