TekoTryck – Entrepreneur of the Year

Entrepreneur of the Year 2015 in Sölvesborg has chosen by the City of Sölvesborg and Business Sölvesborg. Our own Nisse won the prize for Tekotryck and for all of us. We are very proud and happy for this honorable decoration.

Motivation: To have a feeling for relations and courage for great vision is admirable. To create new jobs and pass on ones life’s work and a handiwork to new generations is respect. To conquer and own a market with a few simple products is unique. But it’s only real heroes and heroines with a genuine dedication who can raise a company from being a small business to become a solid and global phenomena. Congratulation Teko Tryck AB! You make us all proud for being from Sölvesborg. Sölvesborg 12th March 2016