This is us!
With this picture from our summer party, we wish our customers, suppliers and partners a great summer!
Closed for vacation w.29-31
We close week 29-31 for vacation. From July 15 to August 4, you are welcome to call us on +46 (0) 70 56 41 570.
Animals that would have lived if we´d been a little bit smarter
A great deal has happened since engineer Curt Lindqvist invented the Swedish dishcloth 70 years ago. But still, our eco-friendly everyday hero, remains the same, but never has it been more relevant than now! The climate and the environment are an important issue, more and more people care and take a stand. There are also […]
Christmas Holiday
Teko Tryck close for holiday between December 23th – January 6th. We look forward to 2020 together with you! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
We are at the worlds most finest museums
In the Swedish magazine “The Entrepreneur” (Företagaren, Number 6/2019) you can read about Swedish products that make global success. We are proud to represent one of these. At the National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan, with 4 million visitors a year, you find our printed dishcloth. A nice quality label for us as a supplier.
New colours on kitchen towels
NEWS! Kitchen towels with new colours have arrived. Dusty pink, Dusty blue, Dusty beige. We hope you like them as much as we do! If you want to see the colours on our other kitchen towels, click here
Important meeting places
We always start the year by exhibiting at the PSI profile fair in Düsseldorf and at the Ambiente design fair in Frankfurt, together with Formpress AB. These fairs are important meeting places for us – many booked meetings with our customers from all over the world, as well as many new contacts, all equally enthusiastic […]
Welcome Jeanette Nilsson
Jeanette Nilsson is now one of us! She will be responsible for purchasing and will work on product improvements. Jeanette has many years of experience in the battery industry and worked for many years as site manager in one of Sweden’s leading battery companies for professional users. Welcome to us!
Closed for summer holiday week 29-31
It may seem early to already flag for when we close for holiday this summer, but the sooner you know, the better. We close week 29-31, 13/7-31/7 2020.
He gave the sponge cloth a face
A new month, a new article about us. This time in Affärsliv Blekinge 20200313 – “The man that gave the sponge cloth a face”.