Welcome Lotta!

Welcome Lotta!

Lotta is now one of us in the office. She is Annas cousin, Nettans close friend, Magnus old classmate and Charlottes husbands cousin, it sounds safe right? Sölvesborg is a small town… Welcome Lotta!
This is us!

This is us!

With this picture from our summer party, we wish our customers, suppliers and partners a great summer!
“A Dishcloths’ Wet Fantasy”

“A Dishcloths’ Wet Fantasy”

This week (v.12 2019) Katarina Hamilton has this amazing ad in Expressens Leva&Bo. Read the mind of a dish cloth. This is the way it will stay fresh and serve you nearly forever. We are very happy that we have printed this poem for you Katarina Hamilton. Visit her...
As successful as usual

As successful as usual

We are incredibly happy and grateful to meet our existing customers worldwide. Gather in our booth, have valuable meetings and deepen our relationships even more. Several new potential customers have seen our products and the environmentally friendly everyday hero,...